CAT Forensic Services, LLC consists of a highly trained, talented team of consultants, scientists and technicians dedicated to providing fast, accurate and unbiased assessments and failure analysis. We offer forensic services to determine the cause and origin of damage to agricultural, residential and commercial structures.
Our forensic engineering services include the evaluation of roof systems, foundations, windows, siding, site preparation, site drainage, framing, the presence of mold growth or moisture intrusion inside a structure, as well as, failure analysis of other materials used in the construction of buildings. Commonly, a forensic evaluation is necessary to determine the cause of damage to a structure due to natural events like floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, wind and hail damage to the roof covering, foundation movement, or damage to other structural components. The evaluation of a structure for construction related defects is also common to determine if the materials of construction were designed and installed as intended.
We offer forensic and consulting services related to: